so last week was a pretty rough week in the barker household (hence the lack of blogging). lots of arguing between the boys. they were bored. mommy felt off & exhausted. we didn't see daddy much. it snowed & then the temps dropped to like 5 degrees so we didn't go ANYWHERE (well we left the house twice)! the days felt like the lasted forever & I was missing my guy. I was getting time in the Word & I was getting almost enough sleep, but I was so discouraged over the lack of joy in our home. I knew the Lord was near, I knew He hadn't forsaken me. the weight of my sin was heavy & I felt like my times in the Word weren't helping me change my perspective. it was a heavy, thick, exhausting week. at church on Sunday my soul was so encouraged by a word Gary Ricucci gave… He reminded us that when we were lost & had the greatest need & unaware, He met us & saved us. so too when we are in our sin & quite aware of it, will that same One come to us & meet us & work in us. He will not give up on us. He who died that I would have life will move me forward in my sanctification. He knows my need & He will complete the work that He started in me.
don't despair friends. He is at work in us. our story is not over. we are not perfected. when we were yet sinners He died for us. & He comes to His children in our overwhelmed/sinful/despairing state & works.
"and I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6