ok so i've always enjoyed being "entertained"... like on holidays i want to go be where all the people are & if i'm not i feel like i'm missing something (ridiculous i know!). also, i'm such a list keeper & it gives me a lot of life to check things off my list that if i sit still for very long i feel like i'm wasting time (which is a good & a bad thing).
so the Lord has been working in me practically...
*when i'm at home with my boys in the morning i don't have anything on my calendar, just enjoying time with them. (when i'm sitting & playing with them after about 30 mins i feel like i have to get up & DO something & i'm cutting that out now.)
*i only clean my house every other week. i'm pretty much a neat freak so i'm learning to be ok with a little clutter & dust in order to be less hurried.
*michael & i are working on a mission statement & family plan to keep us focused.
*getting rid of excess in our home... jude & i went through our toys today & we are giving away a lot! :)
how He's been speaking to me...
*Luke 10:38-42 i so want to be Mary & sit at the feet of the Lord. He said that Martha was "anxious & troubled about many things" but "Mary has chosen the good portion".
*kinfolk. i read a few entries in volume one about solitude & alone time... so good!
*my sweet boys... every time i look at them & hear there's cute little voices i am reminded how much better it is to cherish them than mark things off my "to do" list.
i want our family to live simply & savor every second of this life. i don't want to get so caught up in movies & loud toys that we miss the beauty of our Lord in His creation.
Lord give me a still heart & remove my desire for business.
December 28, 2011
December 20, 2011
December 19, 2011
jude turned 3
our sweet jude turned 3 on dec 1. as i was making this video & looking back at pictures i cannot believe how fast time has gone by. i want to be faithful with my time with him. he is such a sweet, innocent, funny, sensitive boy. i adore him! his heart is amazing & he cares for people so much. i pray that our Father would choose him & jude would love the Lord all his days & serve Him with all his heart. i pray that many would come to know our God through jude's life, his months, hours & seconds... may they be to bring glory to His name.
December 18, 2011
i am a sinner in need of a Savior
wow. i feel so overwhelmed with my sin & my darkness today. lately the Lord has brought my self righteousness & works righteousness to the surface & made me so very aware of it. i've been asking Him to bring humility to my proud heart. there is NO good in me apart from Christ! my righteousness is filthy rags (not much pretty about filthy rags), Isaiah 64:6. & yet i boast in what i can do. thoughts consume my mind about what others think of my accomplishments & the fruits of my labor.
"but the Lord said to Samuel, 'do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. for the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.' " 1 Samuel 16:7
my heart is all that matters to my sweet gracious Father. who i am & what i can do, even what i can do for Christ DOES NOT COME CLOSE TO WHAT HE'S DONE FOR ME!!!!!! a sweet babe born to bring salvation to this wretched heart. the law shows me my need for my Savior. i cannot keep it. I NEED HIM! i need His grace every second.
if you can picture this... me, an independent/strong woman walking along in life i have everything together i can hold my family together, make my kids obey, keep the house clean, be nice to people, smile a lot... but just since we lost our Caroline & my mom i've learned that it's ONLY because of Him that i can smile, that i have reason to smile. that i can take the next step. that i train my children & that they know they cannot keep the "rules" without Him & He is the reason why we do any of this... it's not to please ANYONE ELSE!!!!!! i'm 27 & i've known this truth, but i'm just now letting it change me.
our Jesus is so so good! He washes us clean! He paid our debt that we may stand before God Almighty white as snow. no stains, no darkness. we find life at His cross.
advent this year has so changed the way i see Christmas & Christ's coming. thank You Father!
listen to this song & let your heart rejoice in what He has done for us.
We are not what we should be
We haven’t sought what we should seek
We’ve seen Your glory, Lord, but looked away
Our hearts are bent, our eyes are dim
Our finest works are stained with sin
And emptiness has shadowed all our ways
Jesus Christ, shine into our night
Drive our dark away
Till Your glory fills our eyes
Jesus Christ, shine into our night
Bind us to Your cross, where we find life
Still we often go astray
We chase the world, forget Your grace
But You have never failed to bring us back
Reveal the depths of what You’ve done
The death You died, the vict’ry won
You made a way for us to know Your love
"but the Lord said to Samuel, 'do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. for the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.' " 1 Samuel 16:7
my heart is all that matters to my sweet gracious Father. who i am & what i can do, even what i can do for Christ DOES NOT COME CLOSE TO WHAT HE'S DONE FOR ME!!!!!! a sweet babe born to bring salvation to this wretched heart. the law shows me my need for my Savior. i cannot keep it. I NEED HIM! i need His grace every second.
if you can picture this... me, an independent/strong woman walking along in life i have everything together i can hold my family together, make my kids obey, keep the house clean, be nice to people, smile a lot... but just since we lost our Caroline & my mom i've learned that it's ONLY because of Him that i can smile, that i have reason to smile. that i can take the next step. that i train my children & that they know they cannot keep the "rules" without Him & He is the reason why we do any of this... it's not to please ANYONE ELSE!!!!!! i'm 27 & i've known this truth, but i'm just now letting it change me.
our Jesus is so so good! He washes us clean! He paid our debt that we may stand before God Almighty white as snow. no stains, no darkness. we find life at His cross.
advent this year has so changed the way i see Christmas & Christ's coming. thank You Father!
listen to this song & let your heart rejoice in what He has done for us.
We are not what we should be
We haven’t sought what we should seek
We’ve seen Your glory, Lord, but looked away
Our hearts are bent, our eyes are dim
Our finest works are stained with sin
And emptiness has shadowed all our ways
Jesus Christ, shine into our night
Drive our dark away
Till Your glory fills our eyes
Jesus Christ, shine into our night
Bind us to Your cross, where we find life
Still we often go astray
We chase the world, forget Your grace
But You have never failed to bring us back
Reveal the depths of what You’ve done
The death You died, the vict’ry won
You made a way for us to know Your love
December 10, 2011
December 9, 2011
He has good for us
my husband & i have led worship at our church for about 4 years now. what a blessing this body has been. we have grown so much here. they stood with us when we lost caroline & my mom. i have known the grace & fellowship of our Father more because of this body. now the Lord, in His sovereignty, is moving us on from here. the church is not able to keep mike on at the end of the year so we are seeking the Father for what is next for us. He has been growing our hearts for trafficked children. we don't know how we are to be involved in caring for them, but we are asking Him to lead us.
all in the Lord's timing we are going to get our sweet baby from Uganda (we can't move until we get our baby) & then our plan is to sell our house & move up to grand rapids, mi. mike's parents have some coffee shops up there & they have offered us a place to live & a job until the Lord shows us where we need to be. the Lord could bring something else up before then, but we will wait on Him & trust His timing. He is good. He is over all. & He knows what He's doing for His greater glory & our good.
we will be, & we are, quite sad to move on from this place, but we trust. we appreciate your prayers!
all in the Lord's timing we are going to get our sweet baby from Uganda (we can't move until we get our baby) & then our plan is to sell our house & move up to grand rapids, mi. mike's parents have some coffee shops up there & they have offered us a place to live & a job until the Lord shows us where we need to be. the Lord could bring something else up before then, but we will wait on Him & trust His timing. He is good. He is over all. & He knows what He's doing for His greater glory & our good.
we will be, & we are, quite sad to move on from this place, but we trust. we appreciate your prayers!
December 8, 2011
pumpkin goodness!
here are a few yummy pumpkin recipes! pumpkin is like my favorite sweet thing! YUM!
>pumpkin cheesecake (i made this for thanksgiving the past 2 years! delicious! i used honey instead of agave, sucanat instead of brown sugar, arrowroot powder instead of cornstarch & ground nutmeg instead of fresh.)
>pumpkin bread (i made this for thanksgiving morning! it is so amazing & moist! i used all whole wheat instead of all purpose flour & walnuts instead of hazelnuts. the best part is it's made with maple syrup. yay for no processed sugar!)
>pumpkin cookies (i haven't made these before, but they look yummy! i would use whole wheat flour, sucanat & coconut oil instead.)
>chocolate pumpkin bread (oh yes i made this! used sucanat & whole wheat. AMAZING!)
>pumpkin cheesecake (i made this for thanksgiving the past 2 years! delicious! i used honey instead of agave, sucanat instead of brown sugar, arrowroot powder instead of cornstarch & ground nutmeg instead of fresh.)
>pumpkin bread (i made this for thanksgiving morning! it is so amazing & moist! i used all whole wheat instead of all purpose flour & walnuts instead of hazelnuts. the best part is it's made with maple syrup. yay for no processed sugar!)
>pumpkin cookies (i haven't made these before, but they look yummy! i would use whole wheat flour, sucanat & coconut oil instead.)
>chocolate pumpkin bread (oh yes i made this! used sucanat & whole wheat. AMAZING!)
December 7, 2011
i think what you put on your skin & hair is just as important as what you put in your belly. we use all natural products. it's actually really crazy... since i've been using natural stuff, when i use stuff with a bunch of chemicals in it my skin breaks out or my hair gets all greasy. yuck!
here are a few of our favorites:
facial moisturizer
face wash
lip gloss
diaper rash (THE BEST cream! makes their rash go away in just a few hours!)
hair & body wash
enjoy your day,
here are a few of our favorites:
facial moisturizer
face wash
lip gloss
diaper rash (THE BEST cream! makes their rash go away in just a few hours!)
hair & body wash
enjoy your day,
December 5, 2011
we love love love sovereign grace worship music! such rich truths. this past summer we went to the worship God conference in maryland. it was so refreshing for mike & i. (i wish we could just move to maryland & go to covenant life church. :) ) they just released the gathering which is the live album from the conference. so so good!
we also really like this album of theirs. & this one.
sojourn is a sovereign grace church in louisville... amazing! their music is amazing! (below is a song from their new Christmas album.)
i usually stay away from Christian radio because it's all so cheesy & not a lot of depth to the lyrics... i just listen to sovereign grace music now. ;) i usually have it playing at home throughout the day... brings peace to our home to have the Word of the Lord sung over our family. good stuff. also, it's my favorite that jude knows most of the songs by heart! :) (cute, musically gifted little boy.)
we also really like this album of theirs. & this one.
sojourn is a sovereign grace church in louisville... amazing! their music is amazing! (below is a song from their new Christmas album.)
i usually stay away from Christian radio because it's all so cheesy & not a lot of depth to the lyrics... i just listen to sovereign grace music now. ;) i usually have it playing at home throughout the day... brings peace to our home to have the Word of the Lord sung over our family. good stuff. also, it's my favorite that jude knows most of the songs by heart! :) (cute, musically gifted little boy.)
December 4, 2011
kettle corn... yum!
here's what you'll need:
here's what you'll get:
*put about 1/8c coconut oil in a 3 qt (or larger pot, make sure it has a lid that fits) & turn it on medium heat
*add 3 kernels to the oil as it warms up... once those kernels pop the oil is hot enough
*take the kernels out & add 1/8c of sugar & stir it really well & REALLY QUICKLY (you don't want the sugar to burn... believe me)
*add 1/4c popcorn kernels & stir around in the sugar & oil
*put the lid on & shake over the stove until the popping has slowed (again, do all of this quickly & don't keep on the stove for too long after the popping has slowed the popcorn will burn)
*pour it into a bowl & enjoy!
extra treats:
*sprinkle a little cinnamon over the popped popcorn
*add a tsp of peppermint extract to the oil when you add the sugar
in other news:
>I AM SO SO SO SO SOOOOO EXCITED THAT MY LITTLE SISTER IS COMING HOME FROM AUSTRALIA THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!! i could pee my pants... & i just might! i adore this sweet woman! she has the greatest servant's heart & loves the Lord & desires to honor Him so incredibly much! ahhh she's great! so, quite excited for time with her before she goes back to australia for another year at hillsong.
>wish i needed some new glasses because these look amazing.
>go buy this album right now!
>this is incredible! seriously... i just want to live like this! enjoy every simple moment.
November 21, 2011
giving differently
our family is praying about how we can give differently this Christmas. we don't want our kids to grow up thinking that Christmas is all about the excitement of Christmas morning. it is about a sweet baby given to pay the debt for our sins! we will still give each other a small gift, but our main giving will be to those in need & tell our boys the gospel as we give.
here are some ideas. :)
*life song for orphans
*world vision
what does your family do to show the love of our Father at Christmas?
here are some ideas. :)
*life song for orphans
*world vision
what does your family do to show the love of our Father at Christmas?
November 19, 2011
i love love LOVE hosting parties!!!!!! i really enjoy decorating & planning food & making invitations... all of it (well maybe not the cleaning up part ;) ). we've had a few parties recently...
first, we had a family movie night. everyone brought picnics & we watched Curious George. :)

then we had a harvest party on oct 31st. everyone could dress up if they wanted. we played a few games, did a craft, had picnics & watched Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving.

then just a few nights ago we had a fall dinner with some close friends. we ate on our front porch & hung lights. :) it was sooooo fun & a beautiful night!

first, we had a family movie night. everyone brought picnics & we watched Curious George. :)

then we had a harvest party on oct 31st. everyone could dress up if they wanted. we played a few games, did a craft, had picnics & watched Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving.

then just a few nights ago we had a fall dinner with some close friends. we ate on our front porch & hung lights. :) it was sooooo fun & a beautiful night!

November 18, 2011
a little bit of everything
is this not the cutest little 14 month old you've ever seen?! happy boy & such an amazing blessing!
i make our own granola bars because they are absolutely ridiculous to buy & absolutely ridiculously easy to make. ;) here's the recipe i use. YUM! the adjusted measurements i use are 1/2c vegan butter, 1/2c peanut butter, instead of the 1c of butter. the add-ins i use are 1/2c chocolate chips, 3/4c walnuts, 1/4c ground flax seed & 1/2c coconut. so delicious! i also made her granola last night & it was really easy & will save us some money! i'm still working on making my own coconut milk yogurt. i've had 2 failed attempts so far. :-/
*these look delicious.
*i'm planning on making this today
*going to make these & this for thanksgiving! (i made the cheesecake 2 years ago & it was so so so so soooo amazing!)
*this is one of my favorite blogs right now!
*& i REALLY enjoy reading this one & this one :)
the end
i make our own granola bars because they are absolutely ridiculous to buy & absolutely ridiculously easy to make. ;) here's the recipe i use. YUM! the adjusted measurements i use are 1/2c vegan butter, 1/2c peanut butter, instead of the 1c of butter. the add-ins i use are 1/2c chocolate chips, 3/4c walnuts, 1/4c ground flax seed & 1/2c coconut. so delicious! i also made her granola last night & it was really easy & will save us some money! i'm still working on making my own coconut milk yogurt. i've had 2 failed attempts so far. :-/
*these look delicious.
*i'm planning on making this today
*going to make these & this for thanksgiving! (i made the cheesecake 2 years ago & it was so so so so soooo amazing!)
*this is one of my favorite blogs right now!
*& i REALLY enjoy reading this one & this one :)
the end
November 17, 2011
sweet friends (an afternoon by the river)
November 16, 2011
November 13, 2011
our favorite vegan subs
i've had a few people ask what our favorite vegan substitutes are for condiments & such...
here they are-
*butter, our absolute favorite. no other option in my mind. :)
*soy milk, really really like the 365 soy milk!
*coconut milk, the best! this is what our boys drink when they stop nursing.
*coconut milk ice cream, so yummy & creamy! bonus, they started making this.
*almond milk.
*soy yogurt, THE yummiest soy yogurt!
*cheese! soy free & delicious!
*coconut milk yogurt, mmmm i want some right now! i'm trying to learn how to make it. i've had 2 failed attempts. :( i will keep trying because coconut milk yogurt is a little expensive, but i want to stay away from soy as much as possible. they also make greek coconut milk yogurt now. :)
*soy creamer.
*absolute favorite bread!
*tortillas, delicious!
*whole wheat flour. if you have to use non freshly milled flour... this is it!
*coconut oil.
let me know if there's something i've missed! :) what's your favorite vegan sub?
here they are-
*butter, our absolute favorite. no other option in my mind. :)
*soy milk, really really like the 365 soy milk!
*coconut milk, the best! this is what our boys drink when they stop nursing.
*coconut milk ice cream, so yummy & creamy! bonus, they started making this.
*almond milk.
*soy yogurt, THE yummiest soy yogurt!
*cheese! soy free & delicious!
*coconut milk yogurt, mmmm i want some right now! i'm trying to learn how to make it. i've had 2 failed attempts. :( i will keep trying because coconut milk yogurt is a little expensive, but i want to stay away from soy as much as possible. they also make greek coconut milk yogurt now. :)
*soy creamer.
*absolute favorite bread!
*tortillas, delicious!
*whole wheat flour. if you have to use non freshly milled flour... this is it!
*coconut oil.
let me know if there's something i've missed! :) what's your favorite vegan sub?
November 9, 2011
preparing for His coming
michael & i have been talking about starting more of our family traditions this year for Christmas. we want to serve the poor on Christmas day, have an advent calendar, only buy one small gift for each other, etc.
i've been looking at advent calendars, here are some cute ideas...
i really want this one!
what traditions do you have? do you have an advent calendar?
i've been looking at advent calendars, here are some cute ideas...
i really want this one!
what traditions do you have? do you have an advent calendar?
November 6, 2011
orphan sunday!
orphans are dear to our heart & the Lord is growing our heart even more! today is orphan Sunday & churches all over the world are bringing awareness, spending time in prayer & raising money to help these sweet little ones. here are a few ministries that michael & i really like & LOVE what they're doing!
*My Father's House International this ministry was started by a girl that's around my age! she started in the slums of Kampala, Uganda (where our baby is from). the school they started now has 400 children in it!!! they provide free schooling & so muslim families are sending their kids to the school & now hundreds of these children have accepted the Lord!!! you can support a child to be able to go to school & hear of the Lord for $35 a month.
*Zoe International this incredible ministry rescues children from, or children that are about to be sold into, the sex trade. my heart breaks thinking about what these beautiful children are going through. please pray for them! Zoe brings them into their school when the children will live & learn skills to be able to support themselves as they grow.
*Loving Hearts Babies Home THIS is our heart right now! this is the home that our baby boy or girl is in right now. these aunties love on these little ones day & night! this home is an arm of Africa Renewal Ministries. we had the privilege of having the CEO stay in our home for a few nights & we love his heart!
please seek the Lord on how your family can care for orphans & spread the word about these sweet boys & girls that need to know the love of their Father. if 1 in 7 christian families adopted a baby there would be no more orphans.
James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
*My Father's House International this ministry was started by a girl that's around my age! she started in the slums of Kampala, Uganda (where our baby is from). the school they started now has 400 children in it!!! they provide free schooling & so muslim families are sending their kids to the school & now hundreds of these children have accepted the Lord!!! you can support a child to be able to go to school & hear of the Lord for $35 a month.
*Zoe International this incredible ministry rescues children from, or children that are about to be sold into, the sex trade. my heart breaks thinking about what these beautiful children are going through. please pray for them! Zoe brings them into their school when the children will live & learn skills to be able to support themselves as they grow.
*Loving Hearts Babies Home THIS is our heart right now! this is the home that our baby boy or girl is in right now. these aunties love on these little ones day & night! this home is an arm of Africa Renewal Ministries. we had the privilege of having the CEO stay in our home for a few nights & we love his heart!
please seek the Lord on how your family can care for orphans & spread the word about these sweet boys & girls that need to know the love of their Father. if 1 in 7 christian families adopted a baby there would be no more orphans.
James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
November 5, 2011
photos of cuteness
November 4, 2011
guarding their eyes, ears, minds & hearts
i grew up with pretty high standards on movies, music, etc. at times i thought it was a little ridiculous, but i am SOOOOOOOO grateful how my parents guarded my heart!!! as a parent now i see even more the value in high standards on media & worldly input in our little ones. these are the years that we are meant to be their teachers & show them how to think about the world & the Lord & what things to value.
as far as tv/movies go for our boys... we only let them watch one thing a day, if that. i've been noticing more in disney movies how the call each other "idiot" or "moron" & tell each other to "shut up", things that seem so little, but will play a part in shaping our children. there are MANY things we don't allow our boys to watch because they are crude, rude, scary, or just weird. there's no need for me to go into all the things we don't let them watch, but i wanted to share some things that we do let them watch, & actually really like A LOT!
*the backyardigans super cute tv show about little animals that imagine all these different worlds & stories. jude is all about music & there is a lot of music in this show. (like anything there have been a few episodes that we don't let them watch.)
*max & ruby- this show is so so cute!
*little bear- we like little bear a lot! i like how simple it is.
*veggie tales- of course. i get pretty annoyed with them though. :)
*thomas- you've got to love thomas! but they're all animated now... we like the older ones.
*curious george- love it!
*winnie the pooh- i highly recommend this movie!
*this dvd- is great for learning their letters.
so, that's just a few. guard their hearts & watch the things that you're not sure about before you let them watch them.
as far as tv/movies go for our boys... we only let them watch one thing a day, if that. i've been noticing more in disney movies how the call each other "idiot" or "moron" & tell each other to "shut up", things that seem so little, but will play a part in shaping our children. there are MANY things we don't allow our boys to watch because they are crude, rude, scary, or just weird. there's no need for me to go into all the things we don't let them watch, but i wanted to share some things that we do let them watch, & actually really like A LOT!
*the backyardigans super cute tv show about little animals that imagine all these different worlds & stories. jude is all about music & there is a lot of music in this show. (like anything there have been a few episodes that we don't let them watch.)
*max & ruby- this show is so so cute!
*little bear- we like little bear a lot! i like how simple it is.
*veggie tales- of course. i get pretty annoyed with them though. :)
*thomas- you've got to love thomas! but they're all animated now... we like the older ones.
*curious george- love it!
*winnie the pooh- i highly recommend this movie!
*this dvd- is great for learning their letters.
so, that's just a few. guard their hearts & watch the things that you're not sure about before you let them watch them.
November 3, 2011
peppermint patties
oh my word!!! these are incredible! i used this recipe, with a few adjustments.
1/2 c coconut oil (if it's solid form you'll need to warm it till it's liquid)
1/4 c honey
1/2 tsp peppermint oil
1/2 c dark chocolate, melted & cooled slightly
*in a bowl mix together coconut oil, honey & peppermint oil.
*stick the mixture in the freezer till it begins to freeze & mix it again (the honey is a little heavy & likes to fall to the bottom of the bowl). put it back in the freezer.
*once it's all mixed & frozen evenly, won't take long at all, scoop out little balls of it onto parchment paper on the flat surface in the freezer. put it back in the freezer.
*when the mint balls are frozen remove them from the freezer & shape them into patties & put them back in the freezer.
*dip the patties into the melted & slightly cooled chocolate, put them back on the parchment paper in the freezer.
*after they freeze for a few mins you may want to top them with more chocolate (the chocolate doesn't like to stick to the oil at first).
*freeze for a few minutes or overnight... we like them more frozen.
YUM! super easy & hardly takes any time at all & BONUS not so bad for ya. ;)
1/2 c coconut oil (if it's solid form you'll need to warm it till it's liquid)
1/4 c honey
1/2 tsp peppermint oil
1/2 c dark chocolate, melted & cooled slightly
*in a bowl mix together coconut oil, honey & peppermint oil.
*stick the mixture in the freezer till it begins to freeze & mix it again (the honey is a little heavy & likes to fall to the bottom of the bowl). put it back in the freezer.
*once it's all mixed & frozen evenly, won't take long at all, scoop out little balls of it onto parchment paper on the flat surface in the freezer. put it back in the freezer.
*when the mint balls are frozen remove them from the freezer & shape them into patties & put them back in the freezer.
*dip the patties into the melted & slightly cooled chocolate, put them back on the parchment paper in the freezer.
*after they freeze for a few mins you may want to top them with more chocolate (the chocolate doesn't like to stick to the oil at first).
*freeze for a few minutes or overnight... we like them more frozen.
YUM! super easy & hardly takes any time at all & BONUS not so bad for ya. ;)
November 1, 2011
lentil loaf
this Nutty Lentil Loaf is super yummy & from this cookbook! i think next time i make it i would add a little more salt & garlic (it wasn't as flavorful as i'd like it). easy to make & the leftovers are easy to take to work or on as a picnic. eat up!
1 c uncooked lentils, rinsed (i used red)
1 tbl oil (i used coconut oil)
1/2 c chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
2/3 c chopped carrot
1/3 c chopped celery
3/4 c unsalted raw cashews, chopped
1/4 c raisins
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 tbl whole wheat flour
1 tsp dried thyme
*put the lentils in a saucepan & add enough water to cover by 3 inches. cook over med-low heat until the lentil are tender (about 30ish mins). drain & set aside.
*heat the oil in a saucepan over med heat. add the onion & garlic & cook stirring frequently for about 10 min or until the onions are translucent. add the carrots & celery. cook covered until the carrots are tender for about 10-15 mins. remove from heat & let cool.
*preheat over to 350. oil an 9 x 5 loaf pan.
*mix the lentils, sautéed veggies, cashews, raisins, eggs, flour & thyme in a bowl until blended. spoon into the loaf pan.
*bake until firm, for about 45 mins. slice & serve warm.
1 c uncooked lentils, rinsed (i used red)
1 tbl oil (i used coconut oil)
1/2 c chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
2/3 c chopped carrot
1/3 c chopped celery
3/4 c unsalted raw cashews, chopped
1/4 c raisins
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 tbl whole wheat flour
1 tsp dried thyme
*put the lentils in a saucepan & add enough water to cover by 3 inches. cook over med-low heat until the lentil are tender (about 30ish mins). drain & set aside.
*heat the oil in a saucepan over med heat. add the onion & garlic & cook stirring frequently for about 10 min or until the onions are translucent. add the carrots & celery. cook covered until the carrots are tender for about 10-15 mins. remove from heat & let cool.
*preheat over to 350. oil an 9 x 5 loaf pan.
*mix the lentils, sautéed veggies, cashews, raisins, eggs, flour & thyme in a bowl until blended. spoon into the loaf pan.
*bake until firm, for about 45 mins. slice & serve warm.
October 31, 2011
October 30, 2011
a day at the zoo
here's a cute little video of my boys at the zoo a couple of months ago. enjoy. :)
October 29, 2011
keeping them close
this is a post i've wanted to share for a while... attachment parenting!!! before you assume we're just weird hippy types, which we aren't at all (well maybe a little), please read on. :)
"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." Deuteronomy 6:6-7 if the Lord has commanded us to teach our children ALL THE TIME then we should probably keep them close. (which is one reason why we're going to homeschool, but that's for another time. ;) )
most of you know that we lean toward the side of natural things. we had a home birth, we're basically vegans, we take weird herbs ;), etc, etc. before we had caroline i had done some reading on attachment parenting vs. the whole baby wise method, but i didn't really have a ton of things that i knew i wanted to do as far at physical parenting techniques. when we had jude i wanted him close ALL THE TIME! we were going to have him sleep in a bassinet next to our bed, but after the 2nd night of waking up & getting him out of bed to feed him & trying for forever to get him to go back to sleep & being exhausted all day long... i did some reading on co-sleeping here. (btw, i love Dr. Sears!) & so jude slept with us for the next 8-10 months. it was amazing for numerous reasons.
*when he was hungry i would just lay there & feed him & fall right back to sleep & SO WOULD HE! no more of this awake for hours thing. i was getting better sleep, so was he & so was mike.
*there have been studies done that show that co-sleeping actually reduces the risk of SIDs because baby & mommy get on the same breathing cycle & so babies are less likely to stop breathing.
*also, i was so aware of him all night. if he moved or made a funny noise... i was right there & able to take care of him.
we co-slept with sammy as well & plan to do so with the rest of our little ones.
i also STRONGLY disagree with sticking a baby in a crib in another room & making them cry themselves to sleep.
*they can barely see very far away, so when mommy leaves them in a room by themselves they have no idea where they are & if mommy is ever going to come back.
*they went from being in mommy's belly, all warm & cozy, to a bright, loud, uncomfortable world. they need to be kept close & know they are safe.
*the only thing they know is your voice & your smell & so when they don't have those 2 things they feel very unsafe.
*if a baby is left to "cry it out" they are spending all their energy on crying & not enough on resting & growing.
*attachment parenting/co-sleeping makes for happier & more secure adults in the future. (we have noticed with jude & sammy that they are quite happy & confident little boys already.)
here's some more great information on attachment parenting by Dr. Sears. he also has a book about it (i haven't read it, but i have his Baby Book that has a lot of info in it as well).
other things we do with attachment parenting...
*baby wearing- in a sling, carrier or just holding them A LOT.
*breastfeeding & nursing on demand- feeding that baby WHENEVER they are hungry/fussy. newborns will not over eat. again, they went from being inside your belly & getting whatever they needed whenever they needed it. give them the nourishment/comfort they need.
*let the baby decide their own schedule- let them eat when they want & sleep when they want. with co-sleeping they learn from an early age to sleep at night because you are sleeping right next to them. our boys decided their own schedule & it was always different for the first year of their lives, it was always changing. eventually they got to where their feedings were at the same times & their naps were at the same times. they put themselves on their on routine... we didn't have to train them. so many parents want their baby to be convenient for them & get on their routine... you can't expect a baby to do that. keep everyone happy & go with your baby's signals... they know what they want/need.
*we also used this dvd to learn how to calm & comfort our boys.
*a lot of parents that co-sleep & nurse believe in doing it for years & years... we do not. we believe as followers of the Lord we also need to teach our children how to be more independent of mommy & daddy & trust the Lord. (they make a transition from knowing what they need as brand new babies to mommy & daddy knowing what they need as toddlers.) when they are at an age that we think they are ready (around 8-10 months for our boys) we start transitioning them to sleep in their crib (here's some info). this process takes a few months. first, we start with mommy feeding the baby & then passing them to daddy so the baby doesn't just smell mommy & want to nurse. they start to stretch out their feedings this way. after they get to the point of sleeping most of the night with daddy we start putting them to bed in their crib. when they wake up during the night mommy goes in & feeds them & puts them back to bed in the crib. all of this takes awhile & it's definitely a process... but so worth it.
there is not a lot that's convenient about having children... but they are a such a joy & a blessing from the Lord & it's worth all the extra time it takes to figure them out & help them as they grow. enjoy your children. listen to them. & do your best to seek the Father on what is best for your family.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3
"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." Deuteronomy 6:6-7 if the Lord has commanded us to teach our children ALL THE TIME then we should probably keep them close. (which is one reason why we're going to homeschool, but that's for another time. ;) )
most of you know that we lean toward the side of natural things. we had a home birth, we're basically vegans, we take weird herbs ;), etc, etc. before we had caroline i had done some reading on attachment parenting vs. the whole baby wise method, but i didn't really have a ton of things that i knew i wanted to do as far at physical parenting techniques. when we had jude i wanted him close ALL THE TIME! we were going to have him sleep in a bassinet next to our bed, but after the 2nd night of waking up & getting him out of bed to feed him & trying for forever to get him to go back to sleep & being exhausted all day long... i did some reading on co-sleeping here. (btw, i love Dr. Sears!) & so jude slept with us for the next 8-10 months. it was amazing for numerous reasons.
*when he was hungry i would just lay there & feed him & fall right back to sleep & SO WOULD HE! no more of this awake for hours thing. i was getting better sleep, so was he & so was mike.
*there have been studies done that show that co-sleeping actually reduces the risk of SIDs because baby & mommy get on the same breathing cycle & so babies are less likely to stop breathing.
*also, i was so aware of him all night. if he moved or made a funny noise... i was right there & able to take care of him.
we co-slept with sammy as well & plan to do so with the rest of our little ones.
i also STRONGLY disagree with sticking a baby in a crib in another room & making them cry themselves to sleep.
*they can barely see very far away, so when mommy leaves them in a room by themselves they have no idea where they are & if mommy is ever going to come back.
*they went from being in mommy's belly, all warm & cozy, to a bright, loud, uncomfortable world. they need to be kept close & know they are safe.
*the only thing they know is your voice & your smell & so when they don't have those 2 things they feel very unsafe.
*if a baby is left to "cry it out" they are spending all their energy on crying & not enough on resting & growing.
*attachment parenting/co-sleeping makes for happier & more secure adults in the future. (we have noticed with jude & sammy that they are quite happy & confident little boys already.)
here's some more great information on attachment parenting by Dr. Sears. he also has a book about it (i haven't read it, but i have his Baby Book that has a lot of info in it as well).
other things we do with attachment parenting...
*baby wearing- in a sling, carrier or just holding them A LOT.
*breastfeeding & nursing on demand- feeding that baby WHENEVER they are hungry/fussy. newborns will not over eat. again, they went from being inside your belly & getting whatever they needed whenever they needed it. give them the nourishment/comfort they need.
*let the baby decide their own schedule- let them eat when they want & sleep when they want. with co-sleeping they learn from an early age to sleep at night because you are sleeping right next to them. our boys decided their own schedule & it was always different for the first year of their lives, it was always changing. eventually they got to where their feedings were at the same times & their naps were at the same times. they put themselves on their on routine... we didn't have to train them. so many parents want their baby to be convenient for them & get on their routine... you can't expect a baby to do that. keep everyone happy & go with your baby's signals... they know what they want/need.
*we also used this dvd to learn how to calm & comfort our boys.
*a lot of parents that co-sleep & nurse believe in doing it for years & years... we do not. we believe as followers of the Lord we also need to teach our children how to be more independent of mommy & daddy & trust the Lord. (they make a transition from knowing what they need as brand new babies to mommy & daddy knowing what they need as toddlers.) when they are at an age that we think they are ready (around 8-10 months for our boys) we start transitioning them to sleep in their crib (here's some info). this process takes a few months. first, we start with mommy feeding the baby & then passing them to daddy so the baby doesn't just smell mommy & want to nurse. they start to stretch out their feedings this way. after they get to the point of sleeping most of the night with daddy we start putting them to bed in their crib. when they wake up during the night mommy goes in & feeds them & puts them back to bed in the crib. all of this takes awhile & it's definitely a process... but so worth it.
there is not a lot that's convenient about having children... but they are a such a joy & a blessing from the Lord & it's worth all the extra time it takes to figure them out & help them as they grow. enjoy your children. listen to them. & do your best to seek the Father on what is best for your family.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3
October 28, 2011
healthy kids
a few tips for raising kids that love to eat healthy food...
*teach them FROM THE BEGINNING what is good to eat. (we use this book for introducing foods & making all their food... great resource, i pretty much use it all the time).
*give them a wide variety of healthy food so they don't get tired of the same thing all the time.
*when they are young let them eat as much as they want... they won't overfeed themselves.
*as they get older & they say they don't want to eat something tell them that's all they get... & you will leave it at the table for them to come back & eat when they're ready. (jude ends up eating his dinner before bed when he realizes he's really hungry & we're not going to give them anything else.)
*as they get older help them know how to listen to their body when they're hungry or full.
*make healthy snacks in advance so it's easy to grab them when your little one is hungry. cut up fruit or veggies, make hummus, bake some homemade granola bars, etc. so when they're super hungry you don't just reach for chips or something that's "easy".
*keep the kiddos snacks on the lower shelf in the fridge or the lower shelf of the pantry so it's easy for them to grab.
*when they are younger teach them to like water... it's all jude drinks now!
*stay away from sweets... they don't need them & they don't really know what they're missing if you don't give it to them.
*give them vitamins (read my post here).
*if they're going through a picky stage & you're teaching them to eat what you serve them... make them smoothies for breakfast with some pea protein & green zone in it. also, this cookbook is so great for sneaking in veggies & your kids can't even tell.
if your kids are older & already picky... you just HAVE to train them now so they don't end up overweight & unhealthy. it's so worth it!
this website has some great ideas. :)
raising healthy eaters,
*teach them FROM THE BEGINNING what is good to eat. (we use this book for introducing foods & making all their food... great resource, i pretty much use it all the time).
*give them a wide variety of healthy food so they don't get tired of the same thing all the time.
*when they are young let them eat as much as they want... they won't overfeed themselves.
*as they get older & they say they don't want to eat something tell them that's all they get... & you will leave it at the table for them to come back & eat when they're ready. (jude ends up eating his dinner before bed when he realizes he's really hungry & we're not going to give them anything else.)
*as they get older help them know how to listen to their body when they're hungry or full.
*make healthy snacks in advance so it's easy to grab them when your little one is hungry. cut up fruit or veggies, make hummus, bake some homemade granola bars, etc. so when they're super hungry you don't just reach for chips or something that's "easy".
*keep the kiddos snacks on the lower shelf in the fridge or the lower shelf of the pantry so it's easy for them to grab.
*when they are younger teach them to like water... it's all jude drinks now!
*stay away from sweets... they don't need them & they don't really know what they're missing if you don't give it to them.
*give them vitamins (read my post here).
*if they're going through a picky stage & you're teaching them to eat what you serve them... make them smoothies for breakfast with some pea protein & green zone in it. also, this cookbook is so great for sneaking in veggies & your kids can't even tell.
if your kids are older & already picky... you just HAVE to train them now so they don't end up overweight & unhealthy. it's so worth it!
this website has some great ideas. :)
raising healthy eaters,
thinking differently about food
we've all heard the saying, "eat to live, don't live to eat"... our family is learning this more & more. recently mike & i did a juice fast because of this documentary. mike lost 35 lbs in 6 weeks! amazing! i'm so so proud of him! i only did the fast for a week & i lost 5 lbs. (just want to get rid of the rest of this baby weight before our life gets super busy again with another little one.) it's crazy how when you start losing weight & feeling better you're more motivated to be healthy & workout. mike & i both are working on being able to do 100 pushups in one sitting, thanks to a handy app we found. :) i'm also doing this workout to help get my belly flat again (seriously mommies... BUY THIS DVD!!!). we've also been on a few bike rides lately... i'm sad that it's getting colder out.
we're also changing our portion sizes!!! now that our stomachs have shrunk from the juicing we get fuller faster. we eat A LOT less! saves money & lbs. ;) we aren't going to eat anything after 7:30pm. i'm going to start making our own coconut milk yogurt, bread, salsa, granola, granola bars, applesauce, tomato sauce (most of which can be made in our super cool vitamix).
NO MORE SUGAR FOR THE BARKERS! wow, i'm learning more how bad refined sugar is for u. here's a great article (she has a TON of good info on her site). we will not be eating refined sugars like granulated white sugar, evaporated cane juice, agave nectar, high fructose corn syrup, etc. instead we will use honey, maple syrup, sucanat, etc. i'm also going to start using coconut oil for cooking... article here. i'm going to soak our flours before i make baked goods so our bodies can digest the wheat easier, read this. we're going to cut way back on our soy intake. also, not going to drink coffee... maybe like rarely. ;)
so grateful for the things the Lord has led our family to. looking forward to better health & being faithful with our bodies.
a few of our favorite resources:
this documentary made us decide to be vegans
super great documentary
great book
we're also changing our portion sizes!!! now that our stomachs have shrunk from the juicing we get fuller faster. we eat A LOT less! saves money & lbs. ;) we aren't going to eat anything after 7:30pm. i'm going to start making our own coconut milk yogurt, bread, salsa, granola, granola bars, applesauce, tomato sauce (most of which can be made in our super cool vitamix).
NO MORE SUGAR FOR THE BARKERS! wow, i'm learning more how bad refined sugar is for u. here's a great article (she has a TON of good info on her site). we will not be eating refined sugars like granulated white sugar, evaporated cane juice, agave nectar, high fructose corn syrup, etc. instead we will use honey, maple syrup, sucanat, etc. i'm also going to start using coconut oil for cooking... article here. i'm going to soak our flours before i make baked goods so our bodies can digest the wheat easier, read this. we're going to cut way back on our soy intake. also, not going to drink coffee... maybe like rarely. ;)
so grateful for the things the Lord has led our family to. looking forward to better health & being faithful with our bodies.
a few of our favorite resources:
this documentary made us decide to be vegans
super great documentary
great book
October 13, 2011
be healthy
ok, so lately i've been feeling tired & irritable... i think i could have adrenal fatigue. (here's a great article about it.) men & women can both have this. it's usually caused by stress, eating too much sugar, not getting enough vitamins, etc.
basically a lot of people have adrenal fatigue & don't even know it. if you wake up after 8 hours of sleep & still feel tired... you could have this. i am a STRONG believer in vitamins & herbal supplements! i don't think your body can get all it needs from your diet, especially if you eat a lot of junk! THE best herbs you can buy are from nature's sunshine (let me know if you want to become a member, you can sign up under me ;) ). they are a Christian company & have the highest quality control, here's an article they are going to run in USA today.
these are the herbs i take every day: multi vitamin, red raspberry, spirulina, b complex, b6, calcium-magnesium, omega-3, iodine (we order the iodine from here), vitamin d (carlson brand), probiotic eleven & alj. mike takes ALMOST the same stuff. jude takes the sunshine heroes (from nature's sunshine) vitamins, calcium with d3, omega 3, whole foods antioxidant, probiotics & i give him the elderberry when he's sick. sammy just takes this once a day until he can chew all those vitamins. i know all of this can seem overwhelming & like it's going to be expensive, but the same is true with your diet... if you aren't willing to spend money, time & energy on what goes into your body then you're going to end up spending a lot of money, time & energy recovering from the effects of the cheap/crappy stuff you put in your body.
so here are some things that help with adrenal fatigue...
*good quality water, not just tap water
*no caffeine
*no dairy (it weakens your immune system)
*vitamins a, b, c, e & zinc
*no wheat or spelt (sprouted wheat is a good option)
*fish & eggs (we will be adding more fish to our diet, beans & nuts are also great protein)
*whole grains- brown rice, quinoa
*only use olive oil & coconut oil (stay away from vegetable oil)
*stay away from as much soy as possible
*eat lots of greens & keep your diet with a huge variety of veggies!
*get 8-10 hours of sleep a night... GO TO SLEEP EARLY!
anyways, just a few thoughts. :) hope you find this helpful.
basically a lot of people have adrenal fatigue & don't even know it. if you wake up after 8 hours of sleep & still feel tired... you could have this. i am a STRONG believer in vitamins & herbal supplements! i don't think your body can get all it needs from your diet, especially if you eat a lot of junk! THE best herbs you can buy are from nature's sunshine (let me know if you want to become a member, you can sign up under me ;) ). they are a Christian company & have the highest quality control, here's an article they are going to run in USA today.
these are the herbs i take every day: multi vitamin, red raspberry, spirulina, b complex, b6, calcium-magnesium, omega-3, iodine (we order the iodine from here), vitamin d (carlson brand), probiotic eleven & alj. mike takes ALMOST the same stuff. jude takes the sunshine heroes (from nature's sunshine) vitamins, calcium with d3, omega 3, whole foods antioxidant, probiotics & i give him the elderberry when he's sick. sammy just takes this once a day until he can chew all those vitamins. i know all of this can seem overwhelming & like it's going to be expensive, but the same is true with your diet... if you aren't willing to spend money, time & energy on what goes into your body then you're going to end up spending a lot of money, time & energy recovering from the effects of the cheap/crappy stuff you put in your body.
so here are some things that help with adrenal fatigue...
*good quality water, not just tap water
*no caffeine
*no dairy (it weakens your immune system)
*vitamins a, b, c, e & zinc
*no wheat or spelt (sprouted wheat is a good option)
*fish & eggs (we will be adding more fish to our diet, beans & nuts are also great protein)
*whole grains- brown rice, quinoa
*only use olive oil & coconut oil (stay away from vegetable oil)
*stay away from as much soy as possible
*eat lots of greens & keep your diet with a huge variety of veggies!
*get 8-10 hours of sleep a night... GO TO SLEEP EARLY!
anyways, just a few thoughts. :) hope you find this helpful.
seriously... try this yummy soup!!!
i LOVED it & it's so good for you & super easy to make & it's on my friend's cute blog. :)
thanks britney!
i LOVED it & it's so good for you & super easy to make & it's on my friend's cute blog. :)
thanks britney!
October 11, 2011
missing my mommy
this beautiful woman, my mother...
today would've been her 59th birthday & she's been home with the Lord for 3 1/2 years now. i've been missing her so much lately. there are so many things i miss about her!
i miss how she would call me often & we'd just talk. i miss how she cared so much about my life, her kids lives, she was so invested in us. i miss how she had so much joy for life. i miss how she made me laugh, a lot. i miss her hands, they were so caring. i miss how she could have a conversation with ANYONE & they would leave feeling loved. i miss hugging her... i hugged her AS MUCH AS I COULD! i miss her trust in the Lord & His plans, but that has become apart of me... i know He is faithful, i know He has good for us. i cry for me, not for my mom... she is whole & healthy & worshipping our great Savior!
i wish she lived just a few minutes from me & i wish she could spend time with her grand babies all the time. i wish i could ask her advice on raising kids, on marriage, etc. there's so much i wish i could talk to her about. those things weren't part of the Lord's plan for our family... He saw fit to take her home. i will rest in Him. cling to Him when i miss her so much that i feel like i can't breathe, that it feels like life isn't right. HE IS GOOD!!!!!!!! i know this to be true! He is rich in mercy!
i miss her & i have so much respect for her. she was the best mom EVER, no really! ;)
here are some pictures of her beautiful face!
the night before she had her brain surgery. God is faithful.
our rehearsal dinner. God is faithful.
i loved her heart for the Father. we were praying on the way to my wedding. God is faithful.
she adored this guy... my sweet brother nick. God is faithful.
the beach, we were pregnant with caroline. God is faithful.
disney world with the whole family a month before she passed away. God is faithful.
this is right after we told her we were pregnant with jude. we called my aunt to let her know. God is faithful.
i will miss this beautiful lady for the rest of my days. i cannot wait to see her & hug her surrounded by the glory of the Lord! God IS faithful!
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