if you've been following along for a while you know that we are in the middle of a transition. mike was on staff at our church memphis as the worship leader for 5 years. they had to let him go for financial reasons. so here we are living in michigan with my husband's parents & our house on the market in tennessee. we're so blessed with a free place to live & a temporary job at their coffee shop.
the Lord has given michael the amazing opportunity to go to graduate school at southern seminary in louisville, ky!!! so... we will be packing up our family AGAIN & moving to ky in oct/nov to start school in jan.
we are soooooooooooo beyond excited!
it will be a hard season of not having daddy around as much,
as we're currently used to, but so worth it! mike will be doing the international church planting degree which means we will be in louisville for 2 years & then they will send us overseas with the imb for 2 years to finish the degree.
as we're currently used to, but so worth it! mike will be doing the international church planting degree which means we will be in louisville for 2 years & then they will send us overseas with the imb for 2 years to finish the degree.
praise the Lord for His goodness & purposes & timing in all things.
& praise the Lord for the south! ;)
& praise the Lord for the south! ;)

Cant wait for this new season for you guys!! xx
That's so exciting!! So odd, too! The pastor (Chris Davis) I used to work under and who married my husband and I planted a church on Bardstown Road in Louisville, KY a year ish ago. The school Mike will be going to is right down the street (about a mile or 2) from where the church is planted. You should check it out....there are lots of kids your kiddo's ages there and I think you and Mike would get along well with Chris and Hannah. I think you will LOVE Louisville in general though! So many cool shops and such. The church is called Destiny Church. (http://idestinychurch.com/). Blessings for your move!
Hi! I stumbled across your blog today (via mike + brit) and noticed you're in Louisville! We are too! My husband is in the middle of his M.Div at Southern. Hope your family is adjusting well and making great friends!
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