before i begin... WE JUST GOT OUR COURT DATE FOR OUR AMOS!!!!!!!!!! it's april 24th! we are sooo excited, obviously, but i don't know that it'll feel "real" till we're in uganda holding him for the first time. or maybe not even real till we're on the plane headed home with 3 crazy little boys. :) Lord, give us grace!

look at those sweet guys of mine. what an honor & joy to love them & serve them.

i LOVE experiencing things with them & laughing with them & wondering with them!
i just turned 28 & seriously... my hair is turning grey (ok, just a few hairs), i really messed up my back & i can barely lean over... i just FEEL oldddd! plus, we're at the beach & i'm surrounded by all these young people. i started to think about what my life would be like if i didn't have kids. i.e. if i didn't have to wake up so early, go to bed later because i have to pickup the house & do dishes, change dirty diapers numerous times a day, workout as long as i wanted & therefore be in better shape than i am now. really, just spending my time selfishly... time on ME!

look at those sweet guys of mine. what an honor & joy to love them & serve them.

i LOVE experiencing things with them & laughing with them & wondering with them!

i just turned 28 & seriously... my hair is turning grey (ok, just a few hairs), i really messed up my back & i can barely lean over... i just FEEL oldddd! plus, we're at the beach & i'm surrounded by all these young people. i started to think about what my life would be like if i didn't have kids. i.e. if i didn't have to wake up so early, go to bed later because i have to pickup the house & do dishes, change dirty diapers numerous times a day, workout as long as i wanted & therefore be in better shape than i am now. really, just spending my time selfishly... time on ME!
ah, but what joy they are. what blessings from the Lord. what a huge burden (that is the Lord's) & responsibility (that is in the Lord's hands) it is to raise children... but i say it is BETTER than having a flat belly, the best clothes, amazing hair because of all the time & money i spend on it... & maybe all the time & money i would spend on myself would just be denying the fact that i'm getting older & maybe i just see it more because i don't have as much time to "cover it up". but I WOULD NOT TRADE BEING MOMMY.... ever!!!
i don't get much time alone & sometimes i feel like i'm going to explode with frustration at 2 sweet little faces. why? what makes me think they're the reason for my "falling apart"... it's my sinful heart & selfishness to not put aside what i think is sooo important in the moment & tend to what REALLY matters.
thank You my good good Father for this calling. this high calling. this calling that forces me to be selfless... even when i don't want to be. that makes me more into Your image so that they may see You.... even in my "weaknesses". be glorified in my mommying. in the BEAUTY that is deeper than a flat belly & perfect everything.
(we're embracing the camera here)
You are good! & Your gifts are AMAZING! these sweet sweet gifts from You to be given back to You.
this is a sacrifice.
this is a sacrifice.
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First visit to your site. Love it. That is so exciting about Amos and I totally understand about the life with little ones. :)
First time visiting your site as well! Your family is adorable! How exciting about Amos! My husband and I have looked into adopting from Uganda!We hope to in the near future!
So good Al! And you look super cute. Love the outfit ;) Was the skirt a thrift? (not because it looks like one at all, but bc you mentioned that you went and got skirts recently.) love you :)
Just an encouraging word: I think you look incredible after birthing 3 beautiful babies, your hair looks gorgeous, your style is awesome, and you're an amazing momma!
If it makes you feel any better I was finding grey hear way before cora june was born. :)
It is really hard to find alone time, now that cora is almost a toddler she is really starting to act out and we are trying to teach her "no" and work through the "fits". I can't imagine 2 and now 3 soon! Balance is so hard to maintain I think once you have babies but we get there eventually.
very well said. love your pics!
Congrats on your adoption. Adoption is such a wonderful way to complete your family. My son is adopted from South Korea and he has brought us great joy and love. Adopting was a true blessing to us, I know it will be for you too. The pain of waiting goes away and joy presides. Thanks for sharing, I am following from embrace the camera hop.
I'm a new reader here, and I just love what I've read so far. Your blog is so full of truth and honesty. And your family is cute as can be! Congrats on your adoption too! What an exciting time for your family!
Found your blog from Stephanie O's. I know her "in real life." HA! We grew up at EBC together. Have skimmed a couple of your posts. I have enjoyed getting to "know you", too. So excited about Amos's court date. Our Kate was adopted (from the US). We love, love, love adoption, to say the least. :) I am now a follower. Looking forward to it!
Jumped over from "Walk with Him Wednesdays" Love your post and pics. Being a mom is such an amazing gift - thanks for the reminider. And thanks for sharing.
thank u friends for your sweet sweet words!
thanks crystal for your encouragement. i love u dear friend!
my skirt is from urban... it's was on clearance! :)
tara... u guys should look into generations adoptions out of waco, tx. THEY ARE AMAZING!!!
jana, what agency did u guys use for your adoption? we'd LOVE to adopt from asia!
thanks again & thanks for following!
This is my first time visiting your blog (found it through "embrace the camera")... What a beautiful post! Love the pictures... So excited for you. I love your outlook on motherhood and the gifts we have through the precious children God gives us. Bookmarking your site so I can continue to follow your journey!
i love rings so true in my heart as well. beautiful pictures
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