i rejoice in how graciously the Father has taught &
is teaching me about the gospel through our adoption of amos.
just as i was before Christ... amos had no one.
no one that would help him up if he fell.
no one to make sure he was in bed on time.
no one to comfort him if he was afraid.
he was abandoned, alone, hopeless & had nothing to call his own.
but in God's great mercy & sovereignty...
He put amos in a home!!!!!!
out of all those sweet babies in that orphanage,
He chose amos to be in our family.
"God settles the solitary in a home." ps 68:6
amos now has a whole family who loves him
(& are learning to love him well).
he has 4 people who care if he's crying.
a mommy who makes food for him.
he has brothers who adore him & enjoy being with him.
a daddy who plays with him & treats him just as one of his sons.
he has many things that are his. & he doesn't have to fight for himself.
he is not alone.
praise the LORD that i am not alone. my Father adopted me in.
i am a daughter. i will never be abandoned, alone & hopeless again.
i have great riches & inheritance in Christ Jesus.
read pt 1 of my series here. :)
& vote below!!! thanks!

Your heart-thoughts are so beautiful, so edifying, so life-giving. Thank you, sister. Thank you for the encouragement towards faithful living as you continuously hold out the goodness of our God.
Your sweet boy MELTS MY HEART. And while I'm nowhere near ready for kids, the more I hear about adoption, the more my heart is pulled in that direction. So thank you for sharing your journey and your sweet, sweet boy with the internet people! ;)
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