June 14, 2013


isn't it crazy how seasons change? & "a season" can be last just a few days. we can be having good days, rich & full & "easy" & then life gets crazy & "hard" again! our circumstances are always changing & again it reminds us of HOW MUCH WE NEED HIM! how in the world would we handle all these changing season apart from the One who never changes?? He is our only hope! cling to Him today... whether things are "easy" or "hard". we're human & failing, but He is good & unchanging!

1 comment:

astr!d said...

this hits so close to home for me! there are lots of things going on in my life and its been so very stressful lately. and this is a great reminder that i need to shift my focus to the lord and not on my own problems- no matter how large and life changing they are. thanks for sharing! the words seemed like they were written just for me!!!

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