January 17, 2012

catch your breath

there are days as a young mommy that i feel like i can't catch my breath or get ahead of fighting my frustrations with my boys. most days it's because i haven't made time to be in the Word before starting my day. on days when i feel like my household is going crazy & my boys are at your feet whining all morning & they keep taking toys from each other & i keep giving in to being annoyed/angry about them being so demanding of my attention...
it's just like when i workout & i can't catch my breath. i just keep taking lots of short/shallow breaths just to make it through the workout, but sometimes i have to stop working out for a minute just to breathe in & take a deep breath, then i can get back to working out.
so it is with my days, i have to stop & refocus myself & my family. whether it be walking away from them for just a minute to look up a scripture, getting on my knees to ask the Lord for grace, turning on some worship music (which ALWAYS brings peace to our home) or just showing them that whatever it is i'm doing is not as important as them by getting on the floor with them & loving on them.
take a breath mommies. it's not worth all the frustration of "short/shallow breaths" to just barely make it through the day. the Lord is our Help & Sustainer. we can't do it apart from Him.

"my soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when i remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings i will sing for joy. my soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." ps 63:5-8

1 comment:

Nicole said...

love it.
I always had this romantic idea that raising children and staying home with them would be so peaceful, fun, joyful, creative... not to say that it cant or isnt any of those things at times, but the reality of raising young children is dealing with tantrums, messes, dirty diapers, not getting to brush your teeth or take a shower until they nap... its madness really :)

thank for being honest and vulnerable... we all need to know we are in the same boat :)

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