April 27, 2012

i'm learning... (guest post)

Hi! It's Megan again from The Unlikely Housewife.  I wanted to share some of the things I've learned in the brief 4 years that I've been a mom and some things I am still learning. I am a mommy of 2 amazing little ones. Eden will be 4 in July and Owen will be 2 in just a few weeks! I am so delighted to be their mommy. Staying home has very difficult moments, but I would never ever trade it for the best job in the world. I feel like I already have the best "job" in the world. I am no pro and have lots and lots and lots of shortcomings.  These things are not universal for every mom, but it works for our family.

~ I have to get up early. Our entire day runs so much better when I am up, showered and have spent time in the Word and prayer. This doesn't always happen, but it has become more and more apart of my schedule. It has gotten a little more difficult since my sweet Eden keeps making her rising time earlier and earlier. I know that I need time in God's word to be prepared for the day and I do not want sleep (with exceptions of... new baby, rough night, sickness) to get in the way.

~ I cannot get stressed out over the house. I say that, but I do! My husband reminds me all the time that I have a 4 and 2 year old and the house isn't always going to be clean. For instance, the other day I cleaned my floors and after just the afternoon there was playdough, sand and food all in the kitchen. I looked at it and wanted to cry at first, but then realized I had rather my kids remember having fun than having to keep things tidy all the time. This can be a struggle for me.

~ We are our children's primary educators. No matter if we homeschool, private school or public school Don and I are the ones that are responsible for the things that influence our children and shape their worldview. While I am excited about that it is also a huge job! Thankful for the Lord's help and grace

~ Play with them as much as you can! They are only little for so long. I can get so focused on the things that I need to do for the day and feel like I have to get everything on my list checked off that the day can slip by before I know it. As I grow as a mom I am learning more and more the balance of housework and time with the kids.

~ They are constantly watching me, especially Eden. She notices and comments on the clothes I wear, my makeup, my jewelry, the things that Don and I talk about, things we listen to, things I say to friends. It is crazy how aware she is about everything and interested. I know it is so important to be instilling in her kingdom values and not things of this world.

~ I greatly need to plan my days out. I don't do this minute or even hour by hour. But I do decide what we will be doing during our school time in the morning, what fun places we will go, playdates, crafts we will make. If I just let the week happen it's usually not the best week in our house.

Those are just a few quick things I've learned and we are doing as a family. I could go on and on, but I will leave you with that. Thanks for letting me share with you all. Al's friend Britney will be up next week! I leave you with a few picture of my sweet babes. Have a happy weekend!


photo:britt said...

I can't begin to tell you how much I greatly appreciate your thoughts in this post. Great points... Great reminders.... Many of which happen to be things I have been thinking a lot about lately. I only have one child... Cute, sweet, 18 month-old Jimmy. And he has a puppy.... Cute, adorable, pee-all-over-the-house-no-matter-how-hard-you-try-to-keep-on-top-of-his-potty-schedule, 10 week-old Winston. But I love Jimmy so much, and he loves his puppy so much, that most of the time, I am able to keep things in perspective and not mind the mundane task of being constantly interrupted from cleaning/creating/photographing/etc. constantly. Sometimes my perspective gets wacky and I find myself extremely selfish and frustrated with all the messes and demands for attention. I feel so bad afterwards. I try to make sure I hug my son a lot.... And read to him every time he brings me a book... and treasure each and every moment I can spend with him. If keeps hitting me how fast time flies when you have a child, and how many opportunities I have already given up to love, cuddle and cherish my son. When you become a mommy, you give up all your previous rights to an impeccably sparkling home, daily perfect hair and makeup, predictable time slots to work on any and all projects you so desire...... Your life is not your own. But when your heart is so smitten by the love you have for your child, you really are completely thrilled with this new role once you accept that fact.

Sorry for being wordy, you are just right up my alley, so to speak, and completely warmed my heart and inspired me to be a better, more nurturing mommy. THANK YOU. <3 :) Now I want to go get Jimmy out of his bed to give him more hugs and kisses and tell him I love him.... :)

Megan Gale said...

thank you :) And you are so right when you become a mom you do give up having a perfect home and all the things that you want, but it is so worth it... even on those hard days that you want to just sit on the floor and cry...haha. They are sweet gifts from the Lord!

allison barker said...

love u dear friend! thank u for sharing your wisdom!

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