we are currently packing up the car & driving to the airport!!!
we're finally going to get our amos!
God is faithful & good, His timing is perfect!
we're so looking forward to this month together as a family of 5!
please pray for us.
pray for the moments of frustration & being exhausted... that Christ, through our weakness, would be glorified & that we would be sanctified.
pray our little amos would attach to us quickly.
pray jude & sammy would just fall in love with their little brother.
pray for wisdom for mike as he leads & shepherds our family.
pray that i would be humbled & after this long trip... would look more like Christ!
i am not planning on updating the ole blog while we're in uganda, but i will have a few "scheduled" posts & i have some dear friends that will be doing guest posts so stay tuned. :)
we CANNOT wait to return home with our dear amos & tell all of what the Lord did in our lives & show you pictures of his cute chubby little face!!!!!!!!!
leaving you with a picture of us with our dear friends the gales.
i cry when i think about moving away from them. ah i will miss them greatly!
(embracing the camera here.)

Saying a prayer for your exciting journey!
Congratulations! I'll pray for you and for Amos right now, too.
Have a safe trip! Praying for your family and Amos!
THANK U THANK U! keep the prayers coming! :)
So exciting! AND I LOVE this picture of the four of you!
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