January 25, 2012

tempeh & other stuff

>i've been saying it wrong for a few years. i've always called it tempUH (the soy goodness, better than tofu) but it's actually pronounced tempAI. it's so delicious when it's made well. :) here's one of our favorite tempeh recipes... indonesian tempeh. oh my goodness it's amazing! the boys even love it. yum! these sound amazing as well!

>speaking of food... mike & i just started a 2 week juice fast. feeling a little hungry to say the least. ;) it'll be good. detox & shrink my belly. we are going to do juice fasts twice a year.

>this site looks so fun! i could waste many hours looking at all this. i've been thinking about changing my blog & making it better. we'll see. i rarely have time to read a book during the day so how would i find time to create an amazing blog design? ;)
    *what resources do you use as a blogger to make your site better & get a bigger audience?

>i've been inspired lately to evaluate our family's style... what do we want to be about & what do we want to portray. obviously, the Lord first, always. what should our home feel like? what kind of music should fill our heads & hearts? what kind of movies should we fix our eyes on? books, how important are books? what should we read? how should we dress? basically, what should we value? i think one of the biggest things mike & i have talked about is "simplicity".
    *Lord, lead us as we seek you about what our family should be about. may it be pleasing in your sight.

>movies... i took my sweet jude on a date yesterday. we had sooo much fun laughing & talking & singing. we were sitting in the cupcake shop & "hey jude" came on. we sang along & danced a little bit in our chairs. it was fun. we went to see "we bought a zoo". it looked cute & jude LOVES animals so i thought it would be good. i even looked up the ratings on www.kids-in-mind.com (btw, mike & i use this app EVERY TIME we're about to see a movie) & they seemed good. i should've read all that was in it, i didn't this one time... i'm grateful that jude is young enough to not understand it all, but i learned a lesson. :) i will be researching each movie our boys' sweet little eyes will see VERY well from now on.

grateful for the grace of our Father!


alexandra marie said...

We are having tempeh tonight! I guess I've always pronounced it wrong too! We are two weeks in to our vegan diet. Thanks for the inspiration : ) Keep posting your fav recipes! I need them!!!

allison barker said...

sweet! so you're like becoming vegan completely?? yay! have you watched any documentaries or read any books about it?

alexandra marie said...

We aren't sure yet what we are going to do. We are hesitant to completely go all vegan because I would feel really bad not being able to eat when we go to friends houses. So we've been for the past few weeks being eating vegan as long as we can control what we eat. We are loving it so far! I am definitely not used to all the food prep, but I'm learning alot! And yes, we have made little changes over the past two years after seeing food Inc and food matters. Then this past year we read a book and watched forks over knives and then we were really convinced. Can you recommend any other books or documentaries? I've actualy been a bit shocked by how some of our friends in the medical field have responded. They think we are crazy and just following a trend. In their mind, all in moderation is the way to go. But it scares me that when I talk to two of our friends who are doctors, I feel that I know more about nutrition than them. One of them says he never even eats vegetables bc he doesn't like them! So terrible! This conversation was taking place while both of them were eating burgers and fries : ) anyhow, I just wrote so much! I need to get better and more confident in cooking these new things, it's a HUGE change and I feel like I suddenly don't know how to cook : )

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