how in the world does time fly by so quickly?! we were just celebrating his first birthday. birthdays always make me realize how fleeting this life is... but even more so when they're my children's birthdays.
oh Father, may we be found faithful with this sweet boy's childhood & instruction. may he come to know You in the next couple years. may he see You in his mommy & daddy & therefore be drawn to You. may he see his parents' weaknesses & see how much we are & he is in need of Your grace & redemption. may he stay innocent & carefree for years to come. may he learn to love You & his brothers & the people of this world with all his being. that he would not be deceived that this life is just about comfort & security, but to bring glory to Your name, no matter how uncomfortable that may be. may his sweet/spunky/feisty/funny/loving little life glorify You always.

the above pictures are 2 of sammy's favorite things!
elmo... he won't go anywhere without him. he's on his 3rd elmo (they get sooo dirty & they can't go through the washing machine. trust me... i've tried to get him attached to a different stuffed animal, but elmo is his favorite).
blackberries... one of his favorite fruits just like his mommy. he's allergic to strawberries so we stick w blackberries.
watch this video of our sammy. he's changed so much!
& watch the one on the link at the top of this post!
I am the Mama of a 14 and 19 year old and believe me, what they say is true, "the days are long, but the years are short." I am brought to tears with your sweet sentiments to your gorgeous son!! Enjoy each day, because you will blink their eyes and they'll be teenagers!!
thank u :)
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