September 6, 2012

vegan fam

so our family is pretty much vegan. we eat some eggs which makes us ovo-vegetarian & fish which makes us pescatarian, but it's easier to say... we're vegan & eat eggs & fish. :)
mike & i became vegans after watching this documentary. we were pregnant with jude when we made the switch. i had been vegetarian for a few years already & giving up eggs & dairy wasn't a big deal to me. it was so great that mike was just as excited about it as i was... made the transition easier. :) since having our boys we decided to add back in eggs & some fish for good protein & omega 3s. i'm not sure what it's called, but there's something in eggs that toddlers need for brain development. i don't like eating eggs (just like my momma) so i only eat them if they're baked in something. when i became vegetarian about 8 years ago i had NO IDEA how to eat "healthy". my idea of vegetarian was just to cut out meat & eat whatever was a "vegetable". ha. i would eat french fries & canned vegetables. wow, i've come a long way. i wish i had found a good resource then to teach me how to eat whole healthy foods. it has taken me years & lots of effort & reading & cooking to figure out what is best for our family. so here we are & i'm pretty happy with the way our family eats. we need to cut out refined sugars again, but other than that i feel like we have a good balance. 
the big question... soy! there's so much mixed research on the effects of soy & if it's good for you... BALANCE! we just balance how much soy we have. we only have 1 serving a day & it has to be organic soy. the most recent stuff i've read about soy said that it's just a bean & there's no extra amounts of estrogen in it. so we'll just stick with balance. :) 
here's what a normal day of meals looks like for us:
breakfast (for the boys):
*soy sausage 
*sprouted toast w earth balance & jam
breakfast (for mommy):
*smoothie w fruit, pea protein & green powder
*coconut milk yogurt w berries & granola

lunch (for the boys):
*almond butter & jam sandwich on sprouted bread 
*serving of fruit
*some rice chips or corn chips w hummus
lunch (for mommy & daddy):
*leftovers from dinner the night before

i try to make a wholesome dinner w protein from beans or lentils, & lots of fresh veggies. i LOVE anything isa puts out! also, vegetarian times is fantastic! i try to make something different for every dinner. we do have some favorites though. :) & sometimes i just need to make something quick & easy like mexican. 

have any questions??
had to share this little goodie. ;) look at that serious/silly sammy face!
(embracing the camera here)


Margaret said...

I'm loving your little blog so much lately! I've always admired your eating habits and the meals you post look sooo delicious.

PS love the glasses! you pull them off well! Warby Parker?!

Unknown said...

I just found your blog from embrace the camera from the anderson crew... I'll come back for tips on eating healthy.

You and your boy are so cute!!! :)

Have a wonderful day!

allison barker said...

thanks friends!
margaret, they're from bonlook! :) warby parker didn't have the ones i wanted in stock. :-/

Emily said...

Love the pic of you and the boy, you're both adorable. Need more of this healthy cooking advice in my life.

Alexis said...

Yay for healthy eating! We are working on this. It can take effort but pays off so much. Love the picture!

allison barker said...

thanks thanks!

Adventures in Mommyhood said...

Random question. Would you say your health is better since you became vegan? I recently stopped eating meat, and am flirting with being a vegetarian (as Alicia Silverston calls it in The Kind Diet), but I find myself still not eating healthy. Any advice/suggestions?

allison barker said...

hey jennifer! i would say my health is definitely better!!!
i think you just have to work with yourself & try cooking different things. use coconut oil to cook your food instead of olive oil. try to stay away from canned goods. no fast food or chain restaurants. stick with local restaurants. you want to stay away from processed foods. whole foods are so much better for you! also, cutting our processed sugar is a great way to eat healthier.
hope that helps!

christiems said...

How do you get your kids to eat vegetables??

allison barker said...

:) they've been pretty good about eating whatever we give them. we fed them tons of pureed veggies when they were little. when they got to an age where we knew they were just being stubborn about not eating what we made for them (around 20 months)... we would tell them it was all they were getting to eat & if they didn't want to eat it they didn't have to, but we would save it for them & when they were hungry later they would have to eat that before anything else. :) it works great!

Gretchen Haselden said...

I have recently become vegetarian and have followed your blog for several months now. I have SO many questions, but I guess I will keep it to a minimum. :) I have 2 kids & a hubby who loves meat (but is willing to go veg for me).. I often find myself at 6pm with no dinner and end up scrambling for something healthy.. Do you have some "staples" that you keep on hand for those times, or do you have any quick-easy fall back ideas for when you run out of time? I really want to do this the "right" way so we are healthy and not just meat-free.:) Thanks so much! I love your blog, it is so helpful & inspirational!

allison barker said...

hey gretchen!
great question!!! a few of my favorite "go to meals" are mexican (black beans, sauted peppers & onions, guacamole), red lentil soup & homemade hummus & then lately i've just been throwing things in a pot to make some random bean & veggie soup when i don't have time or don't feel like making a huge meal! ;)

keep the questions coming! ;)

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