March 26, 2013


we know & are reminded how important & necessary time in the Word is. & goodness i've "known" this my whole life, but i have had a very "works righteousness" relationship with the Lord. i read the Word because i was "supposed to" not because i genuinely desired His very words. & so at age 29 His Word is coming alive. the story of His gospel truth is changing me & i'm desiring change because He is good & i know it! 

here's what my times in the Word look like currently...
i'm using this reading plan, which i really really like!!! most reading plans can be a little overwhelming with how much you actually have to read everyday. this plan is about 3 chapters a day (easy for tired mommies with little ones), 2 from the old testament & 1 from the new testament. the reason they can keep the reading short for each day is that they have you sit & read through a whole book about one a month. & my goal with this reading plan is not actually to read through the Bible in a year, but just to read through it period. ;)

then i'll read through the gospel in a gospel primer. sooooo good for my soul!!!!! we NEED to hear the gospel everyday, if not multiple times a day.

then i'll journal some. 

then in my free time, usually in the evenings, i'll read another book that is usually topical. i really enjoy books on parenting, but i decided to read something a little different with risk is right. i think it's basically an abbreviated version of don't waste your life... super good!

& i'm learning to make prayer part of my daily times & throughout my days to be casting my cares on Him.
here are a few resources that are so gospel centered & so rich to inform us often as mommies, wives & homemakers!



sarah j. said...

yes! the gospel is not just for a moment in time when we are saved, but a huge part of our everyday life!

i will have to check into those books. my favorite parenting book is "don't make me count to three" (though i feel the title is misleading)

the lady who leads our women's ministry at church (probably one of the wisest women i know) told me that she doesn't read through the Bible in a year, in fact the last time through took her closer to 5 years. but she still kept reading, remembering 2 Tim 3:16, that all scripture is profitable, even the parts that are harder to read (ex. Numbers!). :)

i find my time in the Word is so much better if i make myself write down at least one thing that the Lord pointed out to me in what i read. when i do that, i find myself meditating on the Word and praising Him so much more throughout my day.

Mrs.NatClem said...

Thanks for sharing this reading plan. I have committed to plans and the past and never followed through. Yet, I'm in a season where the Lord is really showing me that I need to be intentional and have goals in the things that matter most, so that those things don't get pushed to the side, as they easily can as moms with lots of little ones. I'm setting this plan before me as a vision for time in the Word and am excited!

allison barker said...

amen amen!!!

thanks for reading!

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