April 29, 2013

lately grams

ahhhh... it's been over a month since i've done lately grams! a lot has happened!
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follow me on instagram... @albark
(my account is private so please request to follow).
1) our amos turned 2... & we celebrated at the zoo! 2) date night with my amos at whole foods. ;) 3) playing with amos's new birthday toy. 4)-7) went to nyc to visit my sister & my brother & sister came as well! good times! 8) race car driving. 9) jude learned to ride a big boy bike & we pretty much go for walks/bike rides everyday! 10) sammy being sammy. 11) my handsome guy turned 30! we celebrated with a "build your own ice cream sundae" bar! 12) we're outside a lot these days! 13) strawberry coconut milk ice cream on the front porch. 14) these boys are buds. 15) walked to our farmer's market & picked up some ranunculus. 16) mommy & sammy went on a date to see sesame street live. he was sooo excited! 17) our neighborhood is amazing!!!! i could live here forever! 18) so richly blessed with these boys, this weather, our home, this city (just to name a few)! 19) see... bike rides happen A LOT in our home! 20) fort, toy story 2, snack & cuddling on a rainy day. 21) free ra ra riot concert by the river! 22) THIS MAN!!!!! 23) these 3 love "herbie" so we had to get a picture! 24) just talking on the "phone" (read wooden block). 
funny/favorite/current things...
*these boys are saying a lot of funny things... mainly sammy right now. here goes...
*jude... "some-ping" (something). "ca-prize" (surprise).
*sammy... "no worry, i fix it" (don't worry, i'll fix it). "bip bop" (flip flop). "dookies" (cookies). "my belly so hun-gy". when i correct sammy he usually says, "well" & then has some reason for whatever he's doing & there have been times when he doesn't have a reason after the "well". sammy just told me today, "my best mommy ever". :) :) :)
*amos... "moo me" (excuse me). when amos doesn't know what else to talk about he asks me where some of his favorite people are... multiple times a day he'll ask, "aunt shan go?" (aunt shannon lives with us & she's usually in her room, but he asks me over & over everyday). ;) 
*michael is ALMOST DONE FOR THE SEMESTER!!! it's been a LOOOONNNNGGGG semester!
*yay for warmer weather!
*yay for summer & here's to lots of adventures with our boys!
*we got approved to adopt our little girl... so here we go! lots of paperwork! lots of months waiting! we cannot wait to hold her & love on her!!!


Angélique S. said...

So happy for youre little girl!!!! I'm praying for you :)

allison barker said...

thank u!!!!

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