April 1, 2013

talk & talk & talk

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most days i feel like all i do is talk & talk & talk to the boys & with the boys. instruction, direction, discipline, jokes, encouragement, correction, etc. & sometimes they listen & sometimes i get annoyed that they don't listen. & sometimes i feel like they just tune my voice out because they're used to hearing it so much. & sometimes when we're in public i feel like people think we correct & talk with them a lot. but then i remembered...

"and these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." 
deuteronomy 6:6-7

so as mommies & daddies we need to be talking with our kids A LOT! & if we're not... then we have our priorities messed up. how will they learn the gospel & what to value & how to love people & EVERYTHING ELSE they need to know if we're not teaching them?!!!! someone else will teach them if we're not teaching them & are we sure we want someone else teaching them what life is all about?! 

we HAVE to talk... & maybe we should be talking more! 


kaela said...

Wow, I have been feeling in the same boat, except I'm starting to get tired of hearing myself talk... And sometimes my throat gets sore from talking so much to my daughter. But from the bottom of my heart, thank you. This post was deeply encouraging!

sarah j. said...

i just blogged about these verses last week. :) God is so good to give us His Word.

Anonymous said...

I talk to my sons all the time, but they truly don't listen to me when I try to ask them to do things and it frustrates me like CRAZY!!!!!! Thankfully the only thing they seem to actually listen to IS about Jesus and scriptures and they pray with me as I light incense for the Lord.

Leah said...

yes! agree 100%. if we don't, then someone else will. for my kids it's their peers at school i worry about influencing their thoughts. i need to talk to them constantly reminding them what's good in the Lord's eyes. very good post. and love that picture of you two. super sweet!

allison barker said...

thanks friends! good to know we're not alone right?!!!

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