February 21, 2013


i think as parents one of the best things we can do for our kids is REPENT & show them our desperate need for our Savior daily, moment by moment! they need to know that just because we're further along in years & we're "mommy & daddy" doesn't mean that we're never wrong. we're quite often wrong! just a few nights ago michael & i had this long conversation about how we may be doing a few things wrong with the boys. so we reevaluated, we prayed, then the next day we talked to the boys about how we had been messing up & we asked for forgiveness. just by asking our kids to forgive us we're teaching them that no one is perfect & we're all in need of God's grace whether we're 2 or 80 years old. we never "arrive" to the age where we can say, "we always know what we're doing & we always do it right". what a relief as a child... we're showing them that we don't expect them to always have it together, but we do expect them to repent when they've sinned against someone & to cling to the grace of our Mighty Savior as they are sanctified & try again. (& all of this is trusting that our boys come to a saving relationship with Christ Jesus.)

our children need "good", weak, repenting, humble, gracious parents.
& their parents need a GOOD/strong/forgiving/gracious Savior!


sarah j. said...

Amen! i feel like asking my children for forgiveness is one of the most humbling things i have to do sometimes. but so necessary! praise the Lord He is always gracious and merciful to those of us who are His children!

Marisha said...

Such sweet pictures! You're right, seeking forgiveness when we are wrong is such a powerful example to our kids. My seventeen year old daughter distinctly remembers a time when she was about four and her daddy asked her to forgive him for the first time...it made such an impression on her. And there have been many times since that we have both sought forgiveness from our children. Being honest and real about how much we need Christ every day is one of the best things we can do as parents. Love you posts!

Marisha said...

Ooops, "your" posts. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree so much about repentance.
I often tell my sons where I have failed them and that I apologize and that I am being molded by God. They understand and I think it helps them try harder as well when they know they do wrong, because they know that no one is perfect by Christ.
Love these photos and what you wrote!!!!

britney said...


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