February 17, 2013

lately grams

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follow me on instagram... @albark
(my account is private so please request to follow).
1) gorilla munch & soy milk. 2) 3 bags of snacks for 3 hungry boys. 3) coloring some birthday presents for a new friend. ;) 4) they all got valentines in the mail & they were super excited. 5) home. 6) barker family valentine's party. 7) there's a super cute mouse in our house. 8) sammy & mommy date night! 
funny/favorite/current things...
*my sweet sweet friend wrote a little post about my blog here. THANK U!
*planning a trip to see my sister, with my other sister, in nyc! had some money saved & i know by the end of march this mommy will be needing a break! ;)
*john piper spoke at our church today!!!!!!!!!!!! so blessed!
*jude says the funniest things like all day long!!! most of the time he's just making up conversations... but it's hilarious! i gotta get it on video!
*sammy always asks if toy people are "good guys" or "bad guys". haha!
*amos is getting soooooooo tall!!!! oh my gosh this boy is going to be bigger than his mommy AND daddy!!! ahhhhh! 
*i want this sweet little print!
*i am soooo blessed to have dear dear friends from memphis that i get to talk with at least every other week!!! love u girls! 
*i'm taking a trip with my boys to meet my friend megan's newest addition, henry!

got some lately grams to share?? share your link below!


Olive said...

hello al! (: here's my recent grams if you'd like - http://instagram.com/olivemoments

allison barker said...

thanks olive!!!

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