February 26, 2013

"the gospel in her home" (the idea)

oh friends, i am soooo excited about this idea the Lord gave me & i pray it blesses you & me in our walks as mommies/wives/homemakers/daughters of our dear Savior! 

so here it is... my friends britneytiff & i are starting a blogging community called "the gospel in her home". our goal is to build a community in the blogging world of gospel centered posts, encouragement, links, insight & wisdom. our Father's gospel is so rich & we have much to learn from the gospel in our efforts as mommy/wife/homemaker. we get to learn from our Lord & what He's done for us everyday & all day... if we are willing. it's so easy to see folding laundry, washing dishes, washing dirty babies, making meals, discipling hearts, running errands or decorating our home as simply more things to get "good" at & learn about in books. BUT all of these daily tasks can remind us of the gospel & point us back to our sweet Savior. & there are so many things He's teaching us in our failings. 

"God never reveals our hearts to discourage us. convicting us of sin is one of the most profound ways he demonstrates his love for us." -Paul Tripp

as mommies/wives/homemakers we often feel soooo discouraged by our failings & sin. but in convicting us of our sin our God is showing us how much He loves us. & so our times in our new blogging community will be discussing our sin & failures & we will also rejoice in our triumphs & joys. our Father is so kind to us! 

"work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." philippians 2:12-13

"and I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." philippians 1:6

here's how we want you to share in this fellowship with us... britney, tiff & i will have a weekly "the gospel in her home" post where we apply the gospel to normal mommy/wife/homemaker lives & share our thoughts & truths the Lord has shown us. PLEASE PLEASE share your thoughts in the comments! we ARE NOT alone... we have fellowship with the body... & we can enjoy that fellowship here in our little spot on the internet. ;) if you would like to join in & share your "the gospel in her home" post share the link in the comments as well. we'd love to learn from what the Lord is teaching you!! & share this little community with your friends who will appreciate it!  

thank you for being here friends! let's walk together.


King Huckleberry said...

I recently started following your blog and it has been such a huge encouragement in my daily life. This idea you have sounds wonderful, looking forward to it!


Janaye said...

Awesome idea for Gospel fellowship on the interweb! I would love to follow along...


Judy Beltrez said...

this is so encouraging. so looking forward to follow along with you ladies.


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